Remove a variable's usages

Remove a variable's usages


If a variable needs to be deleted, it cannot have any usages

Required Role(s)

  • Project Management


  1. Click here to see how to check a variable's usages
  2. Remove the usages per table below
Usage Type ExplanationActions to remove usages
Encounter Variable Audit LogData values have been entered

Test project: Test data can be bulk deleted to clear the audit trail

Production project: Variables with actions in the audit trail cannot be deleted, the variable can be set to inactive

Variable Group DependencyThe variable is used in the skip logic of the variable groupRemove the variable from the skip logic in the dependency after verifying the variable is not needed in the skip logic
Variable ExpressionThe variable is used in a numeric calculationDelete the calculation or remove the variable from the numeric calculation after verifying the variable is not needed in the calculation
Interval ExpressionThe variable is used in the expression of an intervalRemove the variable from the interval(s) expression after verifying the variable is not needed in the expression
Project Subject ExpressionThe variable is used in the expression across project variable groupsRemove the variable from the project expression after verifying the variable is not needed in the expression 
Subject Report TemplateThe variable is used in a subject reportRemove the variable from the subject report template 
Data Set The variable is part of a data setRemove the variable from the data set
FilterThe variable is used in a filterRemove the variable from the filter or delete the filter