Create a "Select All That Apply" variable

Create a "Select All That Apply" variable


This page describes how to set up a scenario where more than one option can be selected.

Required Roles

  • Project Management


Categorical variables (pick lists or radio buttons) can only have one answer, that is, only one option can be selected.  With questions where multiple responses may be selected (for example, "What symptoms do you currently have?"), each symptom would be set up as a variable.  This can be done two ways:

  1. Set up each option as a yes/no question
  2. Set up each option as a checkbox

In many situations it is recommended to use a yes/no question instead of a checkbox.  A checkbox variable ALWAYS contains a value (0 = not checked & 1 = checked).  With an unchecked checkbox you cannot distinguish between the option is not applicable or the question was missed.  With a radio button variable you will have 3 states (no, yes, not answered) and can distinguish between a not applicable (No) and a missed answer.

To miminize data entry burden (e.g., checking a lot of "No" responses for medical history of cardiac disease, etc.), a button can be inserted on the page that when manually checked inserts the default values for the variables that don't have a response (see image below, contact ScienceTRAX Support for help or an example variable group).