Change pick list options

Change pick list options


Pick list values can only be changed if there is no data entered.  Pick list names can be changed at any time but the meaning must not be changed once data has been entered for the variable.  

Required Role(s)

  • Project Management


  1. Open the Variable Update window (click here for steps)
  2. Select the Pick List tab
  3. Delete a pick list option by clicking on the red delete button 
  4. Add a pick list option by clicking on the green + button 
  5. Change a pick list value by modifying the number in the Value column
  6. Change a pick list name by modifying the text in the Name column  
    1. NOTEIf real data has been entered: The pick list name should only be modified to correct typos and add clarification, do not change the meaning of the pick list option.
  7. Change the order of pick list options by modifying the value in the D.O. (display order) column
  8. Select Continue
  9. Select Save or Save and Return to save the changes 


  • If data has been entered, pick list options cannot be deleted and pick list values cannot be changed
  • If the project is in test mode, the test data can be bulk deleted to clear the audit trail and make changes