View Audit Trail


This page describes how to view a subject's audit trail

Required Role(s)

  • Subject Management
  • Reports


A subjects audit trail can be viewed through one of the following methods


The Auditing report will show the audit trail for a specified date range for a subject, a Reports role is required,

  1. Select Reports in the main menu (top of screen)
  2. Select the project name in the drop down of the toolbar
  3. Click on Auditing
  4. Enter a date range
  5. Enter the subject's Reference ID
  6. Click Submit
  7. The report will be displayed and can be saved as a PDF
Actions Menu

The Show Actions Menu can be used to view the audit trail for one variable for a subject, a Subject Management role is required.

  1. From a data entry screen, check the box for Show Actions Menu located in the left panel, just above the Table of Contents
  2. Check in the answer box for the variable for which the audit trail is needed 
  3. An Actions box will display to the right of the variable
  4. Click on History in the Actions box
  5. A pop-up window displays with the audit trail and variable information