Creating Report Templates (v3.47 or later)
This page reviews how to create report templates for subject reports using the new report editor (StudyTRAX v3.47 and later). Report templates are created by clicking the green + on the Report Templates tab of the Project Overview page. The reports with subject data will display on the Reports tab of the Subject Overview page for each subject.
Required Role(s)
- Project Management
Name: The name given to the report template is the name that will display on the Subject Overview page and in the subject portal if the report is available to subjects.
Description: An optional description for the report
Available to subjects: Checking this box will make the report available for subjects to view in their portal (only applicable if the project has subjects entering data)
Report body:
- Type static text into the report body
- Hover over an icon to view its functionality
- Use the formatting buttons to format the entered text
- Add variables or expressions into the report through the Add/Edit Expression button
- Add variables that extract data across encounters through the Add/Edit Repeater button
- Add charts from data through the Add/Edit Charts button
Description of available functions:
- Undo: Click to undo the last step.
- Redo: Click if the undo was selected but the step removed was not the desired intention.
- Header 1 dropdown arrow: Select text and select a header option from the dropdown, only applies if a header is desired. If a header is not selected, the standard font type and size is used.
- Bold: Selected text will be bold
- Italic: Selected text will be italic
- Align left: Selected text will be left aligned
- Align center: Selected text will be center aligned
- Align right: Selected text will be right aligned
- Bulleted list: Select to add a bulleted list, click on the drop down arrow to change the bullet type
- Numbered list: Select to add a numbered list, click on the drop down arrow to change the number type
- Decrease indent: Select to decrease an indented line
- Increase indent: Select to add an indent
- Anchor: Select to create an anchor object
- Insert/edit link: Select to insert or edit a hyperlink
- Insert/edit image: Select to insert or edit an image (the image must have a URL)
- Source code: Shows the HTML for the report
- Fullscreen: Displays a full screen of the report body
- Show/hide code: Select to view code of specified variables, can also edit the variables in this mode
- Conditional Formatting: Used to add conditions onto text, images, variables
- Add/edit Expression: Used to add variable codes or expressions
- Add/edit Repeater: Used to create a table that extracts data across encounters
- Add/edit a Chart: Used to create a chart from data
- Show header/footer: Select to view/edit the header and footer that displays when the report is exported to PDF
- Page options: Select to modify the orientation, page size, or page margins
- Edit script: Used to define script that can be used within the report
- Table: Used to create a table
- Row properties: Used to define properties of a row in a table
- Insert row before: Select to add a row before the current row
- Insert row after: Select to add a row after the current row
- Delete row: Select to delete the current row
- Insert column before: Select to insert a column before the current column
- Insert column after: Select to insert a column after the current column
- Delete column: Select to delete the current column
- Merge cells: Used to merge selected cells in a table
- Split cells: Used to split cells in a table
- Cell properties: Used to apply properties (width, height, alignment) to a table cell
Notes about formatting:
- It's best to add your text and then go back to format.
- If formatting as you are typing, you may need to end the format that was added. For example, if set a word to red, then after the word click on the drop down arrow next to the text color icon, and click "x"