Change/Erase Data Value

Change/Erase Data Value


This page describes how to erase or change a subject's data value.

Required Role(s)

  • Subject Management


The following describes how to change or erase data values on the Encounter Update page or Subject Update page for the different question types.

  1. Checkbox:   Check within the box to check and uncheck
  2. Numeric, text, memo:  Highlight the existing value and use the keyboard to delete or change the value
  3. Drop down pick list:  Select the new option or click the blank space at the top of all the options
  4. Radio button:  Select the new option or use the Show Actions Menu to clear the answer
  5. Document:  Click the delete icon to remove the attachment 

The Show Actions Menu can be used to clear the answer for any variable type.

The state of the Show Actions menu (checked or unchecked) will be remembered until it is changed.