Verification Email (Subject)

Verification Email (Subject)


A Verification Email contains a link to allow the subject to verify their email address.  After the link is clicked resulting in the email address being verified, the subject is prompted to create a password.  A Verification Email is automatically sent to a subject when the subject's account is created and an email address has been entered.  Additional Verification Emails can also be sent.  All emails sent to a subject can be viewed on the Emails tab of the Details View (Emails Tab).

Required Role(s)

  • Subject Management 
  • Subject Administration

Steps to send an additional Verification Email

  • On the Subject Overview page, click on Account
  • If the subject has already verified their email address, the Verified checkbox is marked and a link to resend the verification email is not displayed.  If a subject has already verified their email address, and they are not able to log in, they can request a password reset email (Forgot Password) or username request (Forgot Username) on their portal login page.
  • If the subject has not verified their email address, the Verified checkbox is not marked.  Click the link Resend Verification Email.