Check Subjects Due

Check Subjects Due


This page describes two methods of how to check the subjects due for an encounter 

Required Role(s)

  • Method 1: Subject Management or Subject Management Read-only  
  • Method 2: Reports


Method 1.  From Home Page 

  1. Select the project from which the subjects due status is to be obtained, by using the project selector from the toolbar 
  2. Select Subject Search in the left panel 
  3. Click Advanced to show the Sites and Status selectors
  4. In the Status selector, select due encounters 
  5. Optional:  To display the encounter that is due check the box for Show Details
  6. Click Go
  7. The subjects with a due encounter will be displayed
  8. Click on the Reference ID to open the Subject Overview page for that subject
  9. If Show Details was checked, click on the encounter name to open the Encounter Update page  

Use the additional filter methods to acquire a more narrowed search.

Method 2. From Reports Page 

  1. Click Reports from the main menu at the top of the page 
  2. Click Subjects Due in the report list 
  3. Select Submit on the right side of the screen, below the toolbar
  4. The Subjects Due report will display

Report can be exported as a .pdf file

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