- List of projects for which the user has a Project Management role
- Create new projects (requires a Project Creation role)
- Import projects (requires a Project Creation role)
- View project summaries
- Toolbar
- Name: Click the project name to navigate to the Project Overview page of an existing project
- Status: The project status with one of the following options
- Analysis
- Cancelled
- Closed
- Data Collection
- Hold
- Test
- Start: The start date of the project (an optional field)
- End: The end date of the project (an optional field)
- Screened: The number of subjects that have been screened (applicable if the project is set up with the screening feature enabled)
- Enrolled: The number of subjects that have been enrolled in the project
- Discontinued: The number and percentage of subjects that are discontinued
- Export: Link to export the project or export the data dictionary
- Delete: Link to delete a project
- Paging Options: Link to open the Paging Options window to set the items per page and pages to display
- Window Sizing Arrows
- Click the down arrow to move the bottom border down and display additional rows
- Click the up arrow to move the bottom border up and display fewer rows