Import a Project

Import a Project


 This page describes the steps to import a project into a StudyTRAX account.

Required Role(s)

  • Project Management
  • System Setup (only required if new sites need to be created)


  1. Click the Projects main menu item (top of page)
  2. Click the Import button in the toolbar
  3. Click where noted to select the file, locate the project XML file to import, and click Open
  4. Optional:  Enter a new project name; if a name is not entered the project will have the same name as the project being imported
  5. Enter the license key you were given by your Studytrax representative in the License Key field (the project can be imported to allow one subject without a license key)

  6. Check the box for Create sites that do not exist if the sites in the project being imported aren't already set up in Studytrax  

    Only users with a System Setup role will have this option

  7. Check the box for Import user roles to include the same user roles as in the project being imported  

    This checkbox will include only those users who are already set up, it will not create new users

  8. Click the Import button

The universal variables assigned to the project being imported must match existing Universal Subject Variables