Add Subject Data Entry
Add Subject Data Entry
Subject data entry in a project allows subjects to log in to enter data into a selected list of variable groups.
These steps apply to Studytrax version 3.3 or later
Required Role(s)
- Project Management
- Subject Administration
- Contact Studytrax Support to import the latest portal
- Provide the following information
- Will subjects be able to register for the study online?
- Attribute on Portal Overview page: Allow Registration
- In the Subject Portal there will be a "Sign Up" button
- Will the project have anonymous data entry?
- Attribute on Portal Overview page: Allow Anonymous Data Entry
- In the Subject Portal there will be a "Enroll" button
- Portal Name, which will display in the URL for subjects to access their portal: https://stxportals.com/p/PortalName
- Will subjects be able to register for the study online?
- Select the Project Variable Groups that subjects can enter
- From the Project Overview page select the Variable Groups tab
- Click on the variable group name
- Select the Attributes tab
- Check the box for Allow Subjects To Enter Data
- Select Save and Return
- Identify the Encounter Variable Groups that subjects can enter
- From the Project Overview page select the Intervals tab
- Click on the interval name
- On the Variable Groups tab, check the box under the column Subject Accessible for all variable groups a subject can enter
- Set the Portal Options which control when subjects can view, create, and edit an encounter
- Within each interval that has subject entered forms, select the Portal Options tab
- View: this setting will control how long subjects have read-only access to the forms marked as subject accessible
- Create: this setting will control if subjects can create a new encounter
- Edit: this setting will control how long subjects can edit the forms marked as subject accessible
Assign the Subject Administration role to users
The Subject Administration role allows users to set up and maintain an account for a subject
- From the Project Overview page select the Users tab
Click on the username to assign a role or click on the add icon to add new users
Users must already have an account set up in StudyTRAX to assign them a role within the project. To add a user into StudyTRAX: http://wiki.studytrax.com/display/STX/Add+User+to+StudyTRAX
- Check the box for System Administration to add the role for all sites listed or check the specific site
- Click the Save and Return toolbar button
- Enter a subject's Account Information
From the Subject Overview page click Account to open the Account Update window
The Account link is only visible when Enable Subject Portals feature is enabled in the project