Timeline Settings
Timeline Settings
The timeline settings provide options to customize the display.
Content / Actions
- Hide/Show Range Rows: this button will toggle between showing and hiding the Before/Target/After rows
- Hide/Show Project column: this button will toggle between showing and hiding the Project column
- Zoom buttons
- Reset zoom: sets the Timeline display back to the original setting
- Zoom in: zooms in on the Timeline to enlarge the text
- Zoom out: zooms out on the timeline to reduce the text and display more columns and rows
- Filter: select to choose which encounters to display
- All: displays all fixed encounters (occurred and not occurred), and non-fixed encounters that have occurred
- Active: displays fixed encounters that are due or have occurred, and non-fixed encounters that have occurred
- Active (fixed); displays fixed encounters that are due or have occurred (non-fixed encounters are not displayed)
- Needs Attention: displays encounters that are missed or have an incomplete or unknown completion status
- Fixed: displays all fixed encounters (occurred and not occurred)
- Non-Fixed: displays all non-fixed encounters
- Sort: select how to sort the displayed encounters
- Date: sorts by the encounter date in ascending order (latest to earliest)
- Date (descending): sorts by the encounter date in descending order (earliest to latest)
- Before: sorts by the Before date (the date when the encounter becomes due) in ascending order
- Before (descending): sorts by the Before date in descending order
- Target: sorts by the Target date (the due date of the encounter) in ascending order
- Target (descending): sorts by the Target date in descending order
- After: sorts by the After date (the last day when the encounter is due) in ascending order
- After (descending): sorts by the After date in descending order
- Paging Options: specify the number of items per page and number of pages to display
- Increase / Decrease Timeline: select to increase / decrease the height of the timeline display
, multiple selections available,
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