Standard Portal Setup

Standard Portal Setup

The Features tab on the Project Update page is used to enable a standard portal by checking the box for Enable Subject Portal.

  1. Anonymous Data Entry: Optionally used to screen subjects without creating an account for the screening process

    1. Select the site that subjects will be screened into

  2. Registration: Optionally used to allow subjects to create an account when they pass screening with anonymous data entry

  3. Project Name For Subjects: Optionally a different name can be displayed in the subject portal

  4. Code: Used as part of the URL for anonymous data entry

  5. Project Variables Heading For Subjects: Optionally can override the default heading (Enrollment Forms) for project variables

  6. Anonymous Data Entry Screening Pass Message: Optionally can override the default message (Thanks for completing the survey) when the subject passes the anonymous screening without registration

  7. Anonymous Data Entry Screening Fail Message: Optionally can override the defualt message (Thanks for completing the survey) when the subject fails the anonymous screening










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