Subject Portal Rewards
The Rewards tab of the Project Update page has the setup for allowing subjects to redeem reward points.
Reward Points Per Dollar: The number of reward points required to exchange for a dollar in rewards
Account Balance Alert Threshold: The dollar amount which will trigger a notification if the balance falls below the amount
Account Balance Alert Email Address: The email address that will be notified when the account balance is below the threshold
Tango Test Group ID: A test group within Tango and which contains at least one test account
Tango Test Account ID: A test account within Tango used for testing the funding process
Tango Group ID: A group within Tango which contains at least one account
Tango Account ID: An account within Tango used for funding
Tango portal structure:
Tango Test Account Signup:
Tango Test Account Login:
Tango Signup:
Tango Login: