Query Update
Query Update
The Query Update window allows for query details to be changed.
- Description: Shows the optional description of the query
- Type: Shows the type of query (Out of range, Missing, Other)
- Status: Shows current status of the query (Unresolved, Resolved, Closed)
- Status Summary: Shows the status history of the query, the revision number of the variable's value, the date and time of each revision, the user making the revision, the variable's value at each point
- Comments: List of all query comments
- Edit Description: click the pencil to edit the description
- Change the status of the query:
- Click the dropdown arrow to change the query's status
- Only users with a Project Management role can change the query to Closed or Unresolved
- When a query status is changed, a comment is required
- Hide/Show Details: click the arrow to hide/show Status Summary details
- Add Comment: click the + to add additional query comments
- Paging Options: click the gear to adjust paging options