Creating an SSL Certificate Request

Creating an SSL Certificate Request

IIS 6 Instructions

IIS 7 Instructions

  1. Run Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet
  2. Click on the Server Name
  3. From the center menu, double-click the "Server Certificates" button in the "Security" section (near the bottom of the menu).
  4. From the "Actions" menu (on the right), click on "Create Certificate Request...". This will open the Request Certificate wizard.
  5. On the "Distingquished Name Properties" form, fill out the fields with the appropriate information for your organization.
  6. Click the "Next" button.
  7. On the "Cryptographic Service Provider Properties" form, select the appropriate properties for your SSL certificate (at least 2048 bit is recommended)
  8. Click the "Next" button.
  9. On the "File Name" form, enter a file name to store the certifcate request in.
  10. Click the "Finish" button to generate the certificate request.