Creating a StudyTRAX Service Account

Creating a StudyTRAX Service Account


This page describes how to setup a service account for StudyTRAX. It is beyond the scope of this document to describe how to create domain accounts. The steps described here will create a local account on the server that can be used to run the application. This account is used for the following:

  • Connecting to the Database using Integrated Security
  • Credentials used to write to the Logs (The directory StudyTRAX stores its logs in) directory
  • Credentials used to write to the Temp (The directory StudyTRAX stores temporary files in) directory

If your database server is located on a different machine than the web server, you must use a domain account or create the same local user account with the same password on both machines.


  1. Run the "Computer Management" application (Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management)
  2. Expand the "Local Users and Groups" item.
  3. Right click on the "Users" item and select "New User"
  4. On the dialog that comes up, enter "studytrax" (or whatever you want to call your service account) in the "User name" field.
  5. Enter "StudyTRAX Service" in the "Full name" field.
  6. Enter "The service account for the StudyTRAX application." for the "Description" field.
  7. Enter the password to use for the account.
  8. Uncheck the "User must change password at next logon" checkbox.
  9. Check the "User cannot change password" checkbox.
  10. Check the "Password never expires" checkbox.
  11. Click the "Create" button to create the account.

Now that the service account is created, this can be used for the credentials for the application pool.