Javascript Comparisons

Javascript Comparisons

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used in logical statements to determine equality or difference between variables or values, and test for true or false.

For example, given that x = 5, the table below explains the comparison operators: 

==equal tox == 8false
x == 5true
x == "5"true
===equal value and equal typex === 5true
x === "5"false
!=not equalx != 8true
!==not equal value or not equal typex !== 5false
x !== "5"true
x !== 8true
>greater thanx > 8false
<less thanx < 8true
>=greater than or equal tox >= 8false
<=less than or equal tox <= 8true

 Oddities of Null, 0 and undefined 

 if (x ==1)true if x = 1;
 if (x ==1)true if x = "1";
 if (x ==0)true if x = 0;
  if (x ==0)true if x = null;
  if (x ==0)true if x = undefined;
 if (x ===1) true if x = 1;
 if (x ===1) false if x = "'1";
 if (x ===0) true if x = 0;
 if (x ===0) false if x = null;
 if (x ===0) false if x = undefined;






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