Change order of variable groups

Change order of variable groups


This page describes how to change the order of the variable groups.

Required Role(s)

  • Project Management

Option 1:


  1. Open the Variable Groups page (click here and follow steps 1 - 3)
  2. Obtain the display order number where the variable group will be moved to by either counting the variable groups or opening the variable group prior to the new location
  3. Click on the variable group that needs to be moved
  4. Select Attributes in the left panel
  5. Change the value in the Display Order field to the new position for the variable group
  6. Click Save and Return

Option 2 (Requires Microsoft Silverlight which is only supported in Internet Explorer):


  1. Open the Variable Groups page (click here and follow steps 1 - 3)
  2. Click on the windows icon to the right of Project Variables or Encounter Variables depending on which variables are to be re-ordered
  3. The Variable Group Quick Edit window will open listing all of the variable groups
  4. Change the value in the D.O. (Display Order) column
  5. Enter a decimal value to move a variable group between existing variable groups, the numbering will re-adjust to whole numbers after selecting Continue
  6. Select Continue in the bottom right corner 
  7. Click Save or Save and Return