Workbench Role

Workbench Role

Role Introduction

Users who are able to create workspaces and managing associated content such as data sets, charts, and reports. 

Workbench and Data Sets Overview

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Create and maintain Work-spaces. Within any given Workspace:

(1) build tables, charts and graphs, (2) create data sets within and across Projects / studies [i.e., as permitted by "Data Set Management" role assignment], (3) clean, scrub, transform and export data, (4) archive files, and (5) create, build, maintain, and run reports.

Typical User

Investigator and other individuals responsible for setting up a report / manuscript / abstract. Sometimes a technical person if needed.

Where Assigned

Assigned on a Project-by-Project basis by clicking on the "Publish Reports" role for a user in the 'Projects' area.
