Data Entry Basics
Once a research project has been set up, data entry is the most common task in StudyTRAX. The following two tutorials provide an overview of data entry (note: additional data entry tutorials available from the StudyTRAX 'Home' page [click on the "Help" link, and scroll to the bottom of the window that pops-up]).
Data entry involves three pages:
Data Entry Order
The order to data entry will ALWAYS be:
- "New Subject" (toolbar item: On "Home" or "Subject Overview" page.)
- "Screen" or "Enroll" (Big orange button, top of middle pane on "Subject Overview" page.)
- "Edit Subject" (toolbar item on "Subject Overview" page.)
- "New Encounter" (from "Subject Overview" page, in 'Timeline' of Dashboard or by clicking "Encounters". Not all studies will have encounters]
Tasks are a manual way of keeping track of what needs to be done. When tasks are created, they can be assigned to any user who has access to the Project. All tasks are listed on the home page as they fall within the view window.
There are two types of tasks:
- General Project Task - related to a specific Project
- Subject Task - related to a specific Subject in a specific Project
Tasks created from the "Home" page toolbar are General Project Tasks, and tasks created from the "Subject Overview" page are Subject Tasks (they will show the Reference ID when listed on the Home page).
Clicking on the "Reports" main menu item will bring up a list of reports (note: it may take a few seconds for the reports list to show up when the Main Menu item "Reports" is clicked).
The reports most important to data entry are:
- Subject's Due
- Data Completion
- Un-signed Variable Groups (if electronic signatures used)
- Double Data Entry Summary (if double data entry used)