Advanced Subject Search

Advanced Subject Search


Additional subject search criteria can be done by site, data completion status, screened date, and enrolled date

Required Role(s)

  • Subject Management or Subject Management read-only


  1. Open the Home page

  2. Select Subject Search in the left panel

  3. Click the Advanced link to display the additional search criteria and select one or more criteria

    1. Sites

    2. Status

    3. Screened Dates (only available in projects that are configured to show the Screening and Enrollment Date)

    4. Enrolled Dates (only available in projects that are configured to show the Screening and Enrollment Date)

  4. Show Details is only applicable to Status for the Advanced criteria, clicking Show Details will display only the encounters that match the status selected

  5. Click Go to search

  6. Subjects that meet all the selected criteria in the filter panel will display