Search by a variable's value

Search by a variable's value


Subjects can be searched by values of variables marked as searchable in their data definition (see Options tab of the Variable Update window)

Required Role(s)

  • Subject Management or Subject Management read-only


  1. Open the Home page

  2. Select Subject Search in the left panel

  3. In the Variable Group drop down, select the name of the variable group that contains the variable to be searched on

  4. In the Variable drop down, select the variable to be search on

  5. In the next drop down select an operator (!= means not equal to)

  6. If applicable, in the next drop down select or enter a value

  7. If searching on an encounter variable and Show Details is checked, only the encounters that meet the search criteria will be displayed

  8. Click Go to search

  9. Subjects that meet all the selected criteria in addition to the variable search will be displayed

Variable Search Notes

  • If the Variable Group and Variable drop downs are not displayed, that indicates there are no variables marked as searchable

  • Only variable groups with at least one searchable variable are listed in the Variable Group drop down

  • Only variables marked as searchable for the Variable Group selected are listed in the Variable drop down


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