Working with dates in the script

Understanding the details

var oneDay = 1000*60*60*24;The number of milliseconds in a day
var startDateVariable = #someStartDate.value;Object representing the Studytrax variable
var startDate = startDateVariable.value; JavaScript Date object

An example

var startDate = #AEonsetDate.value;
var endDate = #AEendDate.value;
if (!isNull(startDate.value) && !isNull(endDate.value)) {
var AEdays = (endDate - startDate)/oneDay;

Output.write("The AE started on " + startDate.toString() + ", and lasted for " + AEdays + " days.");

Medication Collection Dates

Note that the dates in the MEDICATIONS collection is a string by default (easier to format in a subject report).  However, must convert to date value if used in comparison (or use StartDateDate or EndDateDate).  An example comparing dates is below, uses the string conversion method.

var medicationList = MEDICATIONS;

for(var index = 0; index < medicationList.Count; index++) {
   var medication = medicationList.GetMedication(index);
   var medName = medication.TradeName;
   var medStartString = medication.StartDate;       '// note this is a formatted string, the same as using    #VariableName.toString()

                                                                               '// thus for date comparisons e.g., >, <, >=, etc., must use the string to create at date variable  (see below), which would be the same as #VariableName.value

   var medStart = new Date(medication.StartDate)
   var medEnd = new Date(medication.EndDate);

   if (!isNull(medStart)) {
      if (encDate >= medStart) {
         if (encDate <= medEnd || isNull(medEnd)) {
            do something...
