Attributes (Data Set)


The Attributes tab of the Data Set update page specifies the basic attributes about the data set.


  • Name:  The name of the data set
  • Output Interval Group:  If applicable, the name of the output interval group selected from the drop down list
  • Filter: If applicable, the name of the filter selected from the drop down list
  • Only show enrolled subjects:  Check this box to exclude subjects who are screen failures or still in screening
  • Collapse Intervals:  
    • Check this box to export encounter data with one row per subject; all the subject's encounters will be in one row
    • Uncheck this box to export the encounter data with one row per subject per encounter; each encounter will be in a separate row

      Data Sets with variables from non-fixed intervals cannot be collapsed as non-fixed intervals do not have a schedule

  • Use Code:
    • Check this box to export the Variable Code in the column headings
    • Uncheck this box to export the Variable Name in the column headings
  • Show Categorical Value:
    • Check this box to export pick list and radio button values (e.g. 0, 1, 2)
    • Uncheck this box to export pick list and radio button labels (e.g. No, Yes, Unknown)
  • Only Include Validated Data
    • This option will only display in projects with the Double Data Entry feature enabled
    • Check this box to only export values where the primary entry and secondary entry match
    • Uncheck this box to export all values without consideration of whether the primary entry and secondary entry match
  • Include Subjects With No Encounters: This attribute determines if a subject should be included in the data set  
    • Check this box to include a subject that does not have any encounters from the list of intervals selected on the Intervals tab, the encounter data will be all null
    • Uncheck this box to only show subjects that have at least one encounter from the list of intervals selected on the Intervals tab
  • Encounters To Include: This attribute determines if a fixed encounter that hasn't occurred should be included as a row in the data set
    • All:  select this option to include all fixed encounters, whether or not they have occurred
    • Only Encounters That Occurred:  select this option to only include an encounter for a subject if it has occurred
    • This option only applies with a non-collapsed data set, if a data set is collapsed then there is a column for each variable selected in each interval selected