Import Variable Group
Import Variable Group
The Import Variable Group page allows variable groups to be imported from an XML file or from an Existing Variable Group.
- Import Type
- Import File: select this option if importing a variable group from an XML file
- Existing Variable Group: select this option if importing a variable group from another project or the current project
- File Name: If importing an XML file click on Browse to locate the file.
This option will be disabled if importing from an existing variable group
- Project: If importing from an existing variable group select the project from which the variable group will be copied
- Variable Group: If importing from an existing variable group select the variable group to be copied
If importing from an exisiting variable group, the variable group being copied must be checked to Allow other projects to copy on its Attributes tab.
After selecting the variable group to import click on the Import button in the toolbar.
, multiple selections available,