System Configuration Update
System Configuration Update
The System Configuration Update page allows editing of the global StudyTRAX configruation settings
Application Settings
- Session Timeout: the number of minutes of inactivity after which a user will be logged out of StudyTRAX
- Log Directory: the directory to which the logs are written
- External Server Address: the URL to which StudyTRAX can be accessed externally
- Password Sender Address: the From email address that a password reset email is sent from
- Password Reset Email Valid Time: the hours for which a password reset link is valid
- Automatically Send Errors to ScienceTRAX: checking this box will send emails to ScienceTRAX when a user has an error
SMTP Settings
- The settings for the SMTP server
- User Notification Settings: If enabled, the time and interval when the notification emails will be sent to subjects
- Web Config Settings: these settings must be modified in the web.config file located in the root directory where StudyTRAX is installed