How Change Affects Completion Status

How Change Affects Completion Status


When subject data has been entered, changes to the project setup should be reviewed for how they will effect the completion status of subject data.  If a subject's variable group has an unknown status, opening the variable group will allow Studytrax to evaluate the completion status.  Saving the variable group will update the completion status in the database.

Changes and their effect on the completion status of a variable group with data entered

ChangeEffect on existing variable group completion status
Add a 'required' variable

Becomes incomplete

Stays incompleteStays unknown
Add a 'not required' variable

Stays complete

Stays incompleteStays unknown
Change a 'required' variable to 'not required'

Stays complete

Becomes unknownStays unknown
Change a 'not required' variable to 'required'

Becomes unknown

Becomes unknownStays unknown
Set a 'required' variable to inactiveStays completeBecomes unknownStays unknown
Set a 'not required' variable to inactiveStays completeStays incompleteStays unknown
Modify the dependency to hide, show, enable or disable a 'required' variable:  select Yes in the Save Options windowBecomes unknownBecomes unknownStays unknown
Modify the dependency to hide, show, enable or disable a 'not required' variable:  select No in the Save Options windowStays completeStays incompleteStays unknown
Modify the dependency to set the value of a 'required' variable:  select Yes in the Save Options windowBecomes unknownBecomes unknownStays unknown
Modify the dependency to set the value of a 'not required' variable:  select No in the Save Options windowStays completeStays incompleteStays unknown
Add a comment into the dependency: select No in the Save Options windowStays completeStays incompleteStays unknown
Add a validation into the dependency that displays a 'not required' note or alert: select No in the Save Options windowStays completeStays incompleteStays unknown
Add a validation into the dependency that displays a 'required' note or nulls out the value of a 'required' variable: select Yes in the Save Options windowBecomes unknownBecomes unknownStays unknown