Find Last Encounter Date
Find Last Encounter Date
The date of the last encounter is needed for various types of analyses (e.g., survival analysis). The text below describes how to create a dataset with a variable containing the last encounter date for each subject.
How To
Create an "Output Interval":
- Select the "Data Sets" main menu item
- Select "Output Interval Group" and click the green plus icon
- Provide a Name for the Output interval, such as "Most Recent Visit" (under the "Attributes" tab)
- Click "Output Intervals" and the green plus icon
- Setup the new interval as follows:
- Click "Intervals" (left-hand side) and select ALL intervals
- Click "Save and Return" in toolbar
Now that the Output Interval has been set up, create a data set and on the Attributes tab select the "Output Interval Group". Then, click the "Variable Finder" tab and select "Encounter System Variables", then select "Encounter Date" variable. The data set now has the date of the last encounter included. For more details watch the "Data Analysis" tutorials here.