Web service calls are authenticated by verifying that a valid authentication token is in the header of the request. Following are instructions and examples using Postman.
In the Postman app, open a new tab by clicking the +
Obtain an authentication token by a post to the authorizations endpoint.
Select POST for the request
Enter the URL
The URL for the endpoint is Change "xxx" to the prefix of the server you are targeting (e.g., "my" if target is
Select Body
Select raw
Select JSON in the dropdown
In the body of the request, supply JSON with properties “username” and “password”
For example {username: "myUsername", password: "myPassword"}
Note, it may be helpful to create a user specifically for doing API calls. The user can be flagged as a “service account”, which means the user’s password will not expire and will not need multifactor authentication even if it is required at the customer level. Moreover, the user’s permissions can be limited to the functions needed for the API calls.
Click Send
If the request is successful, the response will contain JSON that has the authentication token as the authorization property.
Add the authentication token to the header
Select Headers
Enter “x-authorization” in the KEY field
Enter the authorization token in the VALUE field
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