


SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine) helps organize the content of electronic health records with standard codes for clinical terminology.  The International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (IHTSDO) owns and administers the rights to SNOMED.

StudyTRAX can be used to capture a subject's clinical terminology and automatically set the SNOMED Concept Number, SNOMED Description Number, ICD-9 code, and ICD-10 code.

How it Works

Import this variable group into your StudyTRAX account:  SNOMEDv47.xml

  • The variable group has 5 rows allowing up to 5 terms to be entered.  If needed, additional rows can be added.
  • When a Name is selected from the pick-list, the appropriate SNOMED Concept Number, SNOMED Description, ICD10 Code, and ICD9 Code are automatically set