Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement

StudyTRAX support is responsible for resolving problems, providing "how to" information, and assisting when something is not working. 




Available To

StudyTRAX Wiki

StudyTRAX Wiki



Support Ticket

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1 business day response

Active accounts


Support Resources




(800) 620-1179 option 2

8 AM - 5 PM EST

Active accounts

*Contact sales@sciencetrax.com for additional support options.

Support Scope

Training, configuration changes and custom development are beyond the scope of support services, but we'd be happy to do this for you if preferred (Contact sales@sciencetrax.com).  Training teaches you how to use StudyTRAX, whereas configuration changes and development involve us either modifying, setting up, or building functionality for you.  

We strive to respond to support requests on the same day, actual response times may differ due to volume, complexity, and/or prior commitments. The length of time required to resolve a support issue can vary depending on the nature of the issue and clarity of the problem.  Support involving less than hour is included as part of the StudyTRAX subscription and is otherwise handled through the project agreement.

  • Planned Holidays
    • New Year's Eve and Day
    • Friday before Easter
    • Memorial Day
    • Independence Day
    • Labor Day
    • Thanksgiving Day and Friday after
    • Christmas Eve and Day
    • Veterans Day

StudyTRAX Hosting Availability 

We guarantee that our StudyTRAX network hosting environment will be available 99.9% of the time (excluding scheduled maintenance and emergency maintenance). 

Submit Ideas 

Customers drive StudyTRAX development!  Submit your Feature Ideas Here

This page has information on how to contact StudyTRAX Support:  Contact Support