Attributes (Portal Page)
Attributes (Portal Page)
The portal page attributes defines options specific to a singular page.
- Name: Page Name
- Description: Free Text Description of page
optional - Can remain blank
- Code: unique code name to be used for database reference in the portal
- Parent: The Parent page to this page. This defines where the page is embedded by referencing the #body tag.
optional - If blank, the page will be independent of another pages layout
- URL Path: Definition of the path for the page, as it is appended to the VALID URL path.
- Title: Provides a tab title of the page, which is displayed on the tab of the browser.
- Is Secure: When Checked, defines this as a secure subject/user type page (must log in to view)
- Page Type: Defines the type of page
- Error
- Login
- Normal
- Verify Email
, multiple selections available,