The Notification Email Template tab of the Project Update page contains the email template that will be sent to a subject when the subject is due for an encounter and has an email specified.
This tab is only displayed if Subject Login is an enabled feature
Clicking on the
Notification emails are sent to subjects as follows:
- The first notification email is sent at the encounter's Earliest Date
- The second notification email is sent at the encounter's Projected Date
Emails are only sent when the following conditions are met:
- The encounter has not occurred
- The subject's account settings are checked for Receive Encounter Due Notifications
Subject's can disable notifications to their email if the project feature for Allow Disable Notifications is checked
- An email address is specified for the subject in their Account Settings
You will not be able to save a subject's Account Settings with no email address specified and the Receive Encounter Due Notifications box checked
- Enter the notification email template