Description: The Subject Data Entry component of a StudyTRAX project is commonly referred to as the "Patient Portal". It is an inclusive entity of the StudyTRAX database which enables the subject to actively participate in the study process. This component can be enabled on a per study basis, by selecting the "Subject Login" feature, from within the Project Overview page.
See "Subject Data Entry SETUP" wiki page for more details.
Overview: Subject Data Entry is utilized for various reasons.
1. Remotely capture demographic and/or screening information from study candidates to determine eligibility only.
2. Provide consent and documentation to remotely enroll study candidates for inclusion on one or multiple studies.
1. Utilize email reminders to remotely provide forms and capture study information, which can be filled out per study collection schedule...Both retrospectively or longitudinally.
2. Deliver reports to subjects regarding study status, specifically designed to keep subjects informed as study progresses.
Overview (details)
Things to consider
Subject data entry (portal)
How important is this to your group (will take up a lot of space vs. little)
Form design
Reports and educational materials