Attributes (Interval Update)
The Attributes tab of the Interval Update page sets the basic attributes for an intervalÂ
 Fixed Intervals
- Interval Name
- Active
- An inactive interval can always be made active
- An active interval can NOT be made inactive in the following scenarios
- Baseline interval
- First screening interval
- A screening interval that can determine the screening status (it has a screening expression)
- Baseline
- Fixed Interval
- Target Length
- before Target Range
- After Target Range
- Subject Data Entry Instruction Template:Â The instructions entered will display at the top of the page when the subject logs in to enter the encounter. Â
This section displays only if Subject Login is an enabled feature in the project
 Non-fixed Intervals
- Interval Name
- Active
- Interval Type (follow-up vs. screening)
The screening option is only available in project with the Screening feature enabled
- After Target Range
- Allow Subjects To Create
- Include in Followup Schedule
- Subject Data Entry Instruction Template:Â The instructions entered will display at the top of the page when the subject logs in to enter the encounter. Â
This section displays only if Subject Login is an enabled feature in the project