Survival analyses require two variable: 1) whether or not it is a "Censored" event, and 2) the length of time to the event of interest.
Censored Event
Select the event date (e.g., death) and using the following function
function main(deathDate) {
if (isNull(deathDate)) {
return 0;
return 1;
Length of Time to Event
Select the event date (e.g., death), baseline date and the last available encounter date (will need all encounter dates, unless using an "Output Interval" containing the baseline and last follow-up).
function getLength() {
if isNull(baselineDate) {
return null;
} else if (!isNull(deathDate) {
return days between Baseline and Death;
} else if (longestEncounterDate) {
return days between Baseline and longestEncounterDate;
} else if (SecondLongestEncounterDate) {
return days between Baseline and SecondLongestEncounterDate
} etc.....
Note the image below uses VBScript, but above code uses javaScript (recommended)