Log into StudyTRAX by entering your username and password on the login screen.
Options Available on Login Page:
Login Page
Enter your username and password, then click Login.
Forgot Username or Password
1. Click on "Forgot Username or Password" on the login screen
2. To request your username, enter your email and click Submit. The username associated with the email address entered will be emailed.
3. To reset your password, enter your username and click Submit. A link to reset your password will be emailed to the email address associated with the username.
Too many bad login attempts
If too many bad login attempts have been made, a Captcha will display and be required for entry together with the username and password.
Log a subject into the portal
Users who have a Subject Administration role, and use their username and password along with the subject's Reference ID to log in for the subject.
Click on Are you a subject administrator on the StudyTRAX Login page, then login in with the credentials on the next screen.