When samples are stored off site there may be a need to retain that information in StudyTRAX. A unique barcode ID is created for each sample and that ID is linked from StudyTRAX to the off-site sample.
Summary of Match with StudyTRAX
StudyTRAX does not a have formal Tissue Banking component. Instead, sample tracking is managed in a similar fashion as all other clinical data. What matches well is the ability to custom create annotated forms to capture tissue sample characteristics and link the internal / external ID for each sample. What does NOT fit well is the ability to automatically generate a unique barcode ID and easily query IDs within StudyTRAX. How the solution for this would look and feel within StudyTRAX:
- A tissue sample form would be created that captures desired sample characteristics, and importantly a field for the internal and external ID
- Each tissue sample would be captured either within a central patient registry, or as part of the data for a specific study.
- A unique barcode ID would be created using a separate software package, and the generated ID would be scanned (or less likely typed) into StudyTRAX
- A dataset would be created of all tissue samples, and queries for a specific sample would be handled through a filter in StudyTRAX or exported to Excel
What's Needed for Decision
Cost and functionality of separate barcode software / scanner
- At it's most basic entry point, nearly all barcode scanners use pre-coded labels with a bar code identifying scheme based on your needs such that the scanner can read the labels which in turn mimics keyboard strokes for entry into other applications. Additional sample characteristics will be stored in StudyTRAX. Thus, only the basics are needed (i.e., pre-labeled stickers with barcode IDs, scanner that trigger keyboard for data entry). Some examples include:
- American Barcode & RFID, [[ 1-800-274-0324, ext: 1613]], approximately $600 to $900 (2012 price) for scanner and labels (about 4000 labels).
- Barcoding Inc., [[ 1-888-860-7226, ext: 161]], approximately $400 to $900 (2012 price) for scanner and user-defined labels (about 3000 labels). Link to product: http://www.motorola.com/Business/US-EN/Business+Product+and+Services/Bar+Code+Scanning/Bar+Code+Scanners/General+Purpose+Scanners/LS2208_US-EN