Subject data entry in a project allows subjects to log in to enter data into a selected list of variable groups.
These steps apply to StudyTRAX version 3.3 or later
Required Role(s)
- Project Management
- Subject Administration
- Contact StudyTRAX Support to import the latest portal
- Provide the following information
- Will subjects be able to register for the study online?
- Attribute on Portal Overview page: Allow Registration
- In the Subject Portal there will be a "Sign Up" button
- Will the project have anonymous data entry?
- Attribute on Portal Overview page: Allow Anonymous Data Entry
- In the Subject Portal there will be a "Enroll" button
- Portal Name, which will display in the URL for subjects to access their portal: https://stxportals.com/p/_PortalName_/
- Will subjects be able to register for the study online?
- Select the Project Variable Groups that subjects can enter
- From the Project Overview page select the Variable Groups tab
- Click on the variable group name
- Select the Attributes tab
- Check the box for Allow Subjects To Enter Data
- Select Save and Return
- Identify the Encounter Variable Groups that subjects can enter
- From the Project Overview page select the Intervals tab
- Click on the interval name
- Check the box under the column Entered by Subject for all variable groups a subject can enter
- Click the Save and Return toolbar button
- Assign the Subject Administration role to users
The Subject Administration role allows users to set up and maintain an account for a subject
- From the Project Overview page select the Users tab
- Click on the username to assign a role or click on the add icon to add new users
Users must already have an account set up in StudyTRAX to assign them a role within the project. To add a user into StudyTRAX: http://wiki.studytrax.com/display/STX/Add+User+to+StudyTRAX
- Check the box for System Administration to add the role for all sites listed or check the specific site
- Click the Save and Return toolbar button
- Enter a subject's Account Information
- From the Subject Overview page select the Account Information tab in the left panel
This tab is only visible when the Subject Login feature is enabled in the project
- Access the Account Settings page to enter or edit a subject's account information by clicking on the configure icon
- From the Subject Overview page select the Account Information tab in the left panel