Note |
Microsoft Silverlight is required to use Variable Group Quick Edit |
- D.O. (Display Order)
- Name
- Description
- Allow Other Projects To Copy
- Add Page Break Before
- Display Name
- Display Variable Numbers
- Display Required Indicators
- Prompt Width
- Answer Width
- Require Electronic Signature (only displayed in projects with Electronic Signatures enabled)
- Change the window size by clicking and moving the bottom-right corner of the window
- Adjust column widths by hovering your mouse between two columns until the bi-directional arrow is displayed, then click and move the mouse to the desired width
- Move column positions by clicking and dragging the column to a new location
- Sort the rows by clicking on a column heading to sort by the text in that heading
- Group the data by dragging a column heading into the gray border at the top
- Expand the rows under the grouping by clicking the down arrow
- Collapse the rows under the grouping by clicking the up arrow
- Remove the grouping by clicking the x in the right side of box containing the column heading name
- Filter the rows by clicking the funnel icon in the column heading box and entering filter criteria
- Adjust data in the fields by typing into the field or checking the box
- To re-order the variable groups enter a new value in the D.O. column for the variable group
Tip Enter a decimal value to move a variable group between existing variable groups, the numbering will re-adjust to whole numbers after selecting Continue