The *Project Update* Portals page is used to define all the project configuration (features, sites, subject identifiers)
Toolbar and Action buttons
|| || Toolbar button || Function ||
| !save_24.gif! | Save and Return | Saves the data and returns to the previous page |
| !cancel_24.gif! | Cancel | Cancels any changes made |
| !save_24.gif! | Save | Saves the data and stays on the current page |
The content on the Project Update page is specific to the tab selected.
Selector Panel Tabs
| !account_settings_24.gif! | [Attributes|STX:Attributes (Project Update)] |
| !account_settings_24.gif! | [Custom Attributes |STX:Custom Attributes (Project Update)] |
| !patient_24.gif! | [Identifying Subjects |STX:Identifying Subjects (Project Update)] |
| !ok_24.gif! | [Features |STX:Features (Project Update)] |
| !code_24.gif! | [Global Code |STX:Global Code (Project Update)] |
| !mail_24.gif! | [STX:Welcome Email Template] |
| !mail_24.gif! | [STX:Notification Email Template] |portals that exist for a project. If you are using StudyTRAX v3.47 or later, contact support for portal assistance by sending an email to support@studytrax.com .
A list of all portal templates in the project. Each Portal template will have a unique URL for access to public and secure content.
Icon | Function |
Add a new portal template by clicking on the Add icon | |
Portal Name | Edit an existing portal template by clicking on the portal name |
Export an existing portal template by clicking on the Export icon | |
Delete a portal template by clicking on the Delete icon |