Required Role(s)
- Project Management
- Select Projects from the main menu
- Click on the project name
- Select the Variable Groups tab in the left panelOpen the Variable Groups page (click here and follow steps 1 - 3).
- Create a new variable group in the Project Variables section by clicking the green + next to Project Variables
- Enter a name for the variable group (e.g. Discontinuation)
- Select the Variables tab in the left panel
- Add a new variable (e.g. Discontinuation Date)
- Select Date for the Variable Type
- An atttribute Is Discontinuation Date will display as long as a discontinuation date is not already defined
- Check the attribute Is Discontinuation Date
- Change the Required attribute to No No
- Select Continue
Add additional variables related to the discontinuation (e.g. Discontinuation Reason)
Select Save or Save and Return to save the changes to the variable group
Variable Setup
Subject Overview