The Subject Medication Update page is used to enter, edit or view additional details about a subject's medication.
- Select Medication toolbar button: used to select a medication that is not assigned to the project
Info This button is only available when adding a new medication; it is not available when editing a subject's medication
- Medication: used to select a medication that is assigned to the project
Info The drop-down list is only available for selecting a medication when adding a new medication; when editing an existing medication this field cannot be modified
- Begin Date: the date the subject started using the medication
- End Date: as applicable, the date the subject stopped using the medication
- Dose: the dosage the subject is taking
Info The dosage unit is displayed in parenthesis
- # / Day: the number of times per day the subject takes the medication
- Administration Route: the method the subject uses to take the medication
- Notes: an unlimited text field