- The portal does not include the ability to fill out subject variables that are defined in the system-setup area of a project.
- A data collection interval While entering data on forms via the subject portal, StudyTRAX is unable to hide/show entire forms based on selections from other forms. (e.g. Interval expressions using hide/show).
- The portals interval completion status is only reflective of the all forms selected for the entire interval, including those that cannot be filled out by the subject.
- The portal cannot be utilized to directly into the EMR and view their medical information.query and post the patients medical information. (e.g. pull up EMR or demographic information)
- The subject is unable to query identifiable information regarding other subjects.
- Dataset level study data cannot be delivered to the subject as a report.
- The subject is unable to change their username.
- There is not a formal mechanism for the subject to voluntarily dismiss themself from the study. (e.g. provide an immediate way to refuse additional scheduling of study events, subject's inability to enter universal notes regarding study questions, outside of the forms. Perhaps a built in messenger component.?)
- While unlikely a need, a single patient portal is unable to utilize information from two separate customer installations.
- Subjects are unable to select which forms to complete as an optional method to reach full completion status.