- Add Page Break Before: Checking this box will add a page break before this variable group in data entry
- Display Name: Checking this box will display the variable group name in data entry
- Display Variable Numbers**: Checking this box will display sequential variable numbers next to each variable
- Display Required Indicators**: Checking this box will display an asterisk next to variables that are required for data entry to have a complete status
- Layout Template Type**: The general layout applied to the variable group
- Default Left Column Width**: The width of the left column which includes the Required Indicator, Variable Number, and Data Entry Prompt
- Default Right Column Width**: The width of the right column which includes the Answer and Answer suffix
- Default Prompt Width**: The width of the Data Entry Prompt
- Default Answer Width**: The width of the Answer
- CSS Class**: The name of a CSS Class defined in the Global Code
- Layout: Optionally define a special layout for the variable group (e.g. modify the background color, place multiple variables per row)
Info The default tab of the Layout section is the Design tab which generates the HTML on the HTML tab. You may also work directly in the HTML tab