- Encounter Date
- Encounter Name
- Encounter Status
- Complete (green): encounters are Complete when all the required data has been entered
- Incomplete (yellow): encounters are Incomplete when all the required data has not been entered
- Unknown (pink): encounters with an unknown completion status (either a change was made after data was entered, or at least one page in the encounter was not opened and contains branching logic)
- Create a new encounter
- Click the + to add a new encounter
- Only encounters that can be added will be displayed
- Follow up encounters can't be created until the Baseline encounter is created
- Baseline encounter can't be created until the subject passes screening and is enrolled
- A screening encounter can't be created unless the subject has passed the prior screening encounter
- A non-fixed encounter can't be created if the subject is in-screening but the interval is set up as a follow-up interval
- A non-fixed encounter can't be created if the subject has passed screening and is enrolled but the interval is set up as a screening interval
- Select the encounter to create
- Click Create to open the Encounter Update page
- Open the Encounter Update page of an existing encounter by clicking on the encounter date to the left of the encounter name
- Open a PDF of the encounter by clicking on the PDF button to the right of the encounter name
- Delete the encounter by clicking the delete button to the right of the encounter name
- Users must have a Project Management role
- to see and have access to the delete button
- An encounter that is deleted can't be recovered
- Click on a column heading to sort by that column in ascending order, click a second time to sort in descending order