Details View


The Details view provides a display of Encounters, Medications, Queries, Tasks, Adverse Events, and Emails, along with the ability to enter/edit those items.

Content (tabs)

  • Encounters (the tab is only displayed if the project has at least one interval)
  • Medications (the tab is only displayed if the Medication feature is enabled in the project)
  • Queries
  • Tasks
  • Adverse Events (the tab is only displayed if the Adverse Event feature is enabled in the project)
  • Emails (the tab is only displayed if the Subject Portals feature is enabled in the project)

Paging Options:  click the gear to open the Paging Options window to modify the number of items displayed per page and/or the number of pages to display

Increase / Decrease display area:  

  • Click the down arrow to move the bottom border down and display additional rows
  • Click the up arrow to move the bottom border up and display fewer rows