Account Update
The Account Update page has the user's account attributes that can be viewed or edited.
User Information: The user's First Name, Middle Initial (optional), and Last Name
Account: A unique username and Email Address
Active: By default, the active box is checked. A user can be set to inactive if they won't need their account for a period of time. If the user will never need their account, they should be deleted instead of set to inactive. The audit trail associated with their account is retained.
Verified: Once the users verifies their account, this box will get checked
Expire Password: Check the box to require the user to change their password the next time they log in
Failed Login Attempts: Shows the number of times the user has entered the incorrect password since the last successful login. After 5 unsuccessful logins, the account is locked.
Reset: If the number of failed login attempts is greater than 0, a link to reset the failed login attempts is displayed
Last Login: The last date and time (Central time) the user successfully logged into Studytrax
Last Password Change: The last date and time(Central time) the user completed a password change
Primary Customer: The customer account in which the user was created