

Definitions for column headings on the Variables tab in the data dictionary

Column Heading


Required or Optional

Variable Group Name

The name of the form / CRF


Variable Group Description

Description of the form / CRF


Variable Name

The name of the variable


Variable Description

Description of the variable



Project or Encounter
Project variables are collected once and not connected to an encounter date.  
Encounter Variables can be collected at multiple timepoints are are connected to an encounter.



The type of variable, can only select from the list



A unique identifier for the variable.  It can't have any special characters (e.g. spaces) and can't exceed 30 characters in length.  The code can contain letters, numbers, and/or an underscore but can't begin with a number.


Data Entry Prompt

The text displayed in data entry

Optional, but typically used

Min Value

The minimum allowable value for data entry (applies to numeric variables only)

Optional (for numeric variable types only)

Max Value

The maximum allowable value for data entry (applies to numeric variables only)

Optional (for numeric variable types only

Default Value

A value that the variable will have by default



The number of digits that can be entered, the length must be 1 - 255 (applies to text variables only)

Required only for Text variable types


Must select one of the options.  
No:  a null value will not affect completion status.  
Yes, can be null:  a null value can be saved but the form will be incomplete.
Yes, cannot be null:  a value must be entered before the form can be saved.



Must select from the options.  
Yes:  the variable is active and data will be collected.
No:  the variable is not active and will not show up in data entry.
For new variables, this would always be "Yes"


Indent Level

Can specify a value of 1-10 to indent the variable on the data entry page


Prompt Width

Can specify a value in pixels to indicate the space allocated to the data entry prompt


Answer Width

Can specify a value in pixels to indicate the space allocated to the answer



Must select from the options.  
Yes:  this is the common selection.  This indicates that the variable's value can be exported in a data set  
No: The variable's value will not be exportable in a data set.  Typically used for a note.


Pick Lists (Value, Missing, Name)

Define the pick list value, indicate yes or no if it is to be considered a missing value, indicate the name of the picklist option.
Applies to categorical variables only.

Required for Pick List and Radio Button variable types

Missing Values (Begin, End, Name)

Applies to numeric variables only.  Indicate a range and name for values that are not considered part of the variables range.  For example, the following indicates that a value of -99 for a numeric variable means the value is unknown:  -99,-99, Unknown

Optional (for numeric variable types only)